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2025 BMW i4

Price :  USD 54000

All you need to know about the 2025 BMW i4 with our comprehensive FAQ. Get answers to top questions about specs, features, and more.

2025 BMW i4 Specifications

Q: So, this i4 is like a spaceship for the road, right?

A: Not quite warp drive, but pretty darn futuristic. It's electric, silent (except for maybe some cool spaceship noises you can add), and rockets from 0 to 60 mph faster than most gas guzzlers.

Q: Hold on, electric? How far can this thing go on a single charge?

A: Depends on your driving style, hotshot. But the i4 can zoom for up to 300 miles on a full battery, which is plenty for most daily commutes and weekend errands.

Q: Gotta recharge constantly? Sounds like a hassle.

A: Not as bad as you think. Plug it in at home overnight and wake up to a full tank, or find a public charging station for a quick top-up. Plus, regenerative braking helps keep the battery juiced as you drive.

Q: Okay, I'm intrigued. But is it still a fun ride, or all about saving the planet?

A: Both, my friend! The i4 handles like a dream, with tons of grip and sporty performance. Plus, you get that instant electric torque that shoves you back in your seat. Save the planet, win at stoplights - what's not to love?

Q: Sounds fancy. How much does this space-age chariot cost?

A: The price tag starts around $54,000, depending on the trim level and options. But hey, imagine the gas money you'll save!

Q: Is there anything else I should know before flying off in my electric BMW?

A: The 2025 i4 got a bit of a makeover. Check out the new grille design (some folks dig it, others not so much) and the upgraded infotainment system. There are also some new snazzy paint colors to choose from.

Q: Alright, alright, you sold me. Time to ditch the gas station and boldly go electric.

A: Nice! Welcome to the future of driving. Just remember, with all that power, use it responsibly – traffic laws still apply on planet Earth.