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2026 Alfa Romeo Giulia

Price :  USD

All you need to know about the 2026 Alfa Romeo Giulia with our comprehensive FAQ. Get answers to top questions about specs, features, and more.

2026 Alfa Romeo Giulia Specifications

Is it electric? Like, totally electric?

The short answer: maybe! Alfa Romeo is going all-electric by 2027, and the Giulia is getting a revamp. Expect an electric version (EV) for sure, but rumors are swirling about a gas-powered option too. So, you can be a green crusader or a roar-of-the-engine rebel – your choice.

Wait, a Dodge platform? Seriously?

Yup, the new Giulia chills on the same bones as the next-gen Dodge Charger. But hold on, it's not just a rebadge job. Alfa says their Italian magic will turn this platform into a beast. Think of it as a cage fight – the American muscle and Italian finesse throw down for a super sporty outcome.

How fast are we talking? Buckle-your-face fast?

Absolutely. The electric Dodge Charger is already a speed demon, and the Alfa should be even quicker. We're talking about hitting 60 mph in the low-to-mid 4-second range, with a possible 3-second flat for the high-performance trim. Buckle up, buttercup!

Will it still have that sexy Alfa Romeo look?

Alfa Romeo spilled the tea that the new design is a "bomb." They wouldn't finalize it unless they were head-over-heels in love. So, yeah, expect a head-turner that keeps the Italian flair we all adore.

When can I get my hands on this beauty?

Patience, grasshopper! The 2026 Giulia is still under wraps. Stay tuned for official release dates – it'll be worth the wait.