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Rimac Verne robotaxi Price in Australia

Price :  AUD 0

All you need to know about the Rimac Verne robotaxi with our comprehensive FAQ. Get answers to top questions about specs, features, and more.

Rimac Verne robotaxi Specifications

Q: So, this Verne thing, is it like a self-driving Uber?

A: Kinda! Except way cooler. No creepy dude in the front seat explaining his crypto holdings. Verne's all electric, designed for just you (and maybe your bestie), and gets you there autonomously.

Q: Woah, no steering wheel? Am I gonna be in a robot pod hurtling through traffic?

A: Relax, thrill-seeker. Verne's got top-notch self-driving tech and sensors to navigate the streets like a chill robot ninja. You can just sit back, relax, and scroll through Insta.

Q: Two seats only? What if I have my squad with me?

Fair play. Verne's built for quick, single-destination rides. Think zipping downtown or catching a movie. For a group trip, maybe try a good old fashioned self-driving limo (those exist too, you know).

Q: How do I hail this robotaxi?

There'll be a slick Verne app for that. You tap in your pick-up and drop-off points, and Verne whizzes to your location. Easy-peasy.

Q: Is this whole thing even safe?

Rimac's put a ton of work into safety features and redundancy. Plus, no drunk drivers or late-night texters to worry about. Verne's basically a designated driver on four wheels.