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2024 Mazda EZ-6 Price in Australia

Price :  AUD 85800

All you need to know about the 2024 Mazda EZ-6 with our comprehensive FAQ. Get answers to top questions about specs, features, and more.

2024 Mazda EZ-6 Specifications

So, will it ever come to the US?

That's a head-scratcher. It's a joint project between Mazda and a Chinese manufacturer, so the future's a bit fuzzy. But hey, never say never, right?

Electric or Hybrid? You Decide!

The good news is you get a choice under the hood (or should we say, charging port?). The EZ-6 packs either a full electric (EV) setup for pure zero-emission driving, or a plug-in hybrid (PHEV) option that lets you switch between electric power and good old fashioned gasoline. No official range numbers yet, but we're keeping our eyes peeled.

Tech that Talks (and Listens)

This Mazda's got some party tricks. Forget fumbling with keys – the EZ-6 can understand your voice commands even when you're outside the car! Inside, the cabin gets fancy with voice and gesture controls, making it feel like you're piloting a spaceship (in a good way).

Price: The Burning Question

We hear you! There's no official word on the price tag yet. Since it's for China, a straight comparison to US models might be tricky. But think similar electric and hybrid sedans in the US, which can range from $35,000 to $50,000 depending on features. The EZ-6 will likely land somewhere in that ballpark for the Chinese market.