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2025 Mercedes-Benz E-Class LWB Price in Dubai UAE

Price :  AED 256900

All you need to know about the 2025 Mercedes-Benz E-Class LWB with our comprehensive FAQ. Get answers to top questions about specs, features, and more.

2025 Mercedes-Benz E-Class LWB Specifications

Is the LWB E-Class basically a stretched out E-Class?

Bingo! They took a regular E-Class and gave it some extra legroom in the back. Think of it as the limousine version for folks who don't need a full-blown S-Class.

So it's all about the backseat, then?

Pretty much. You'll be reclining like royalty with all that extra space. Perfect for chauffeuring around the boss or your squad who appreciate a bit of wiggle room.

Will I look like a chauffeur driving this?

Nah, the front seat is still all about luxury and that signature Mercedes-Benz style. You'll be the captain of this comfort cruise in no time.

Is this gonna be a gas guzzler?

They haven't spilled the beans on the official specs yet, but expect a range of options. There will probably be some fuel-efficient choices alongside the powerhouses.

How much is this bad boy gonna set me back?

Expect a premium price tag for all that poshness. We're talking ballpark figures north of the standard E-Class. But hey, you can't put a price tag on ultimate backseat bragging rights, can you?

When can I snag one?

Official release dates are still under wraps, but rumors whisper sometime in 2025. Keep your eyes peeled on Mercedes news for the official drop.

Is this the ultimate luxury sedan?

That depends on your needs. If you crave limousine-level space in an E-Class package, this could be your golden ticket. But if you're a solo rider or prioritize a sportier feel, the standard E-Class might be your jam.

Alright, I'm sold. Anything else I should know?

Stay tuned! As Mercedes reveals more details, we'll be sure to keep you updated. In the meantime, start practicing your most boss-like backseat lounging pose.