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2026 KIA EV PickUp Truck Price In Philippines

Price :  PHP 0

All you need to know about the 2026 KIA EV PickUp Truck with our comprehensive FAQ. Get answers to top questions about specs, features, and more.

2026 KIA EV PickUp Truck Specifications

Is this electric truck real or just a rumor mill myth?

Good question! Buckle up. Kia has officially announced they're entering the electric truck arena with two contenders by 2026. One will be a dedicated electric beast, the other a more strategic (read: possibly adapted) model.

So, two trucks? Like a whole buffet of electric goodness?

Exactly! One will likely be a mid-size powerhouse, competing with the big dogs like Ford's F-150 Lightning. The other might be a sportier compact number, taking on the likes of the Ford Maverick. Basically, Kia is offering electric trucks for whatever your adventure (or grocery haul) needs.

Will this electric Kia truck be a towing titan?

Kia's throwing around hints of 10,000-pound towing capacity for the bigger model. If that pans out, this electric truck could be a serious workaholic, hauling your boat or trailer with ease.

Range anxiety? Not on Kia's watch (hopefully!)

Details are still under wraps, but expect a decent driving range on a single charge. No one wants to be stranded in the wilderness with a dead battery, right?

Tell me about the inside! Plush or plastic fantastic?

Kia usually knocks it out of the park with interiors. Expect a comfortable cabin with a modern, tech-forward vibe. Think dual panoramic screens and a touch of futuristic coolness.